Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Power of Communal Prayer - Readfield ME Camp meeting in 1826

A praying circle was formed, to which those who believed in the power of prayer, together with such as were penitent for sin, resorted. Effectual, fervent prayers were poured forth from the souls of the devoted men of God [aka clergy], accompanied by the responses and ejaculations of the pious multitude, and the long drawn sigh, and humble prayer of those burdened with the load of sin. 
All this was not unavailing.  The Saviour came in mighty power, and displayed the glory of his grace in the midst, until shouts of victory and songs of redeeming love burst forth from the happy bosoms of all who had come forward as penitent mourners.  The battle was fought, a complete victory gained, and we retired to our tents, triumphing in the Lord.

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